Thanks for this post. The details you include as the tales unfold are interesting. A nice set up to encourage internet rabbit hole reading.

I remember the English tourists in Greece in the 1980's. They really were far worse than even we loud Americans. The English didn't tip and drank horrible amounts of beer. There is some difference in beer drinkers. Beer drinkers love a crowd and act like everyone is with them,understanding the inside of their heads. Very different than brooding over whiskey or vodka. Like wine drinkers but without the food to temper it all.

Do you ever think of yourself as a conscientious objector? Muhammad Ali was convicted for refusing to go to war in Vietnam. He was able to have this overturned in the supreme court and did not serve time. Being wealthy and famous and american worked out okay for Ali. Russia,right now,is not a safe place to be an objector. A refugee of conscience is who I see in you and others who are expatriated from your home. Air b+b , absentee landlords ,private equity landlords-these are who people the world over are angry at.

Francis Bacon died in Madrid. I don't know if he painted while in the city. It would be interesting to find out if he spoke about any paintings he saw while in Madrid. I would see them and imagine him seeing them.

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This is too wild! I thought a street sign (no pix) named "Indo Muerto" was bad. This truly is a topper!

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