Thanks for this. Needed this today.

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Listening to your conversation I am thinking of this ,Psychopolitica, as one of many possible places created to store information and ideas. A home for ideas. If ideas are alive they differ from the majority of other live entities - ideas travel through large portions of time and cross borders of all sorts.

Dreamers functioning as objective reporters makes sense as opposed to a present reality of journalists consciously creating narrative flow.

I like the idea of collective articulation as stimulating a fresh experience of being an observer. Societies,like individuals, require continual beginning again until gone.

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We share the shame of actions by our political leaders. Are we responsible? Perhaps those who live in democracies are more responsible for the actions of their leaders, since we vote them in or out. I don't know what citizens should do in an authoritarian regime with a leader who kills people. Moving away and shining a light on it all is a good first step, Nikita. You are making me re-examine past actions of our own US political leaders. For example:


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