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First, the timing of this post is interesting because I had a dream about you last night, Nikita.

I have NEVER dreamt about somebody I know only through the internet before, and I've never even "met" with you there! In this dream I saw you in person from a few feet away and didn't introduce myself because I was speechless to see that you were a child! (Maybe about age 10). I don't need an expert in dreams to tell me this signified how creative I think you are! This post is truly another example of that. "Mushroom-based computers" made me laugh out loud! The pilot's insights reminded me of a book I read years ago, "The Checklist Manifesto" by surgeon Atul Gawande. It described how surgeons decided to copy the aviation industry and put together a checklist of tasks to follow to avoid making mistakes. Research demonstrated it was effective in preventing death, but many surgeons resisted using it because they saw themselves as godlike and not a mere mortal who needs to follow a checklist. Per the article on this topic below, "...heroes today are perceived as daring audacious experts rather than those who accept the virtues of regimentation afforded by checklists. We do not like checklists because they are painstaking, lazy, embarrassing and run counter to our beliefs that the truly great are daring improvisers who shun protocols and checklists." Maybe we can assign the checklist tasks to the computer but perhaps they shouldn't be on any mushrooms then! Or maybe we need to put "check ego" #1 on the list!


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