I'll do it, I have Telegram - who are you on that? I've looked up "Nikita Petrov" there and come up with only one active account - @NikitaPetrov27, who appears to be a member of the Russian Army, perhaps a future officer, who apparently signed up in March 2022. It doesn't appear that he has been sent to Ukraine, yet, though - still fresh-faced and smiling, not having confronted the actuality of war...
I've gotten a bunch of emails from working people reminding me there is such thing as work hours! Would love for you to join if you do find time.
If this first trial doesn't fail spectacularly, I'll find a better time and infrastructure to use down the road — the hope is to eventually turn this into a weekly thing.
I will be up for conversing tomorrow :)
Let's! And do you have Whatsapp or Telegram?
I'll do it, I have Telegram - who are you on that? I've looked up "Nikita Petrov" there and come up with only one active account - @NikitaPetrov27, who appears to be a member of the Russian Army, perhaps a future officer, who apparently signed up in March 2022. It doesn't appear that he has been sent to Ukraine, yet, though - still fresh-faced and smiling, not having confronted the actuality of war...
I think he's a student of some military academy — he just turned 18 in October and his uniform is suspiciously goofy looking.
Here's me: https://t.me/wadappen
I’m sorry, but I have to work tomorrow. Is there anyway I can listen in? I suppose if I get whatever app you’re going to use.
Feel free to bring up a database of public opinion. If you run out of things to talk about.
Yea you can listen at that link I gave, which leads to Youtube. If anybody shows up!
You're like Cato and his "Carthage must be destroyed" with your database :)
He was successful in prosecuting the Third Punic War, so I’ll take that as a complement, even though I don’t think it was a very nice guy.
I will be listening tomorrow
I too will be at work and will try to join in..thanks 🤍
I've gotten a bunch of emails from working people reminding me there is such thing as work hours! Would love for you to join if you do find time.
If this first trial doesn't fail spectacularly, I'll find a better time and infrastructure to use down the road — the hope is to eventually turn this into a weekly thing.
It would be good if election day was a federal holiday.
Yeah, it could just be moved to a Sunday...
I agree,Sunday will allow more participation.