Thank you Nikita, I enjoyed meeting Jason, the "New Yorker cartoonist" who drives a forklift to pay the bills! And enjoyed your thoughts. I have an old-fashioned view of artists who are inspired by muses rather than money or whatever passes as fame in any era. It's the muses who run the show, never money, never fame. And that brilliance and original inspiration shine through.

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I'm up for a conversation - but not between 6am to 8am my time (US Central Time)... I don't keep farmer's hours. If there is some other time possible between 11am and 3am my time, let me know.

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I'll send you an email!

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fwiw, my email is hhluce@yahoo.com ... it may be a risk listing this here, on the other hand, that email - now over 25 years old - is constantly flooded with junk and spam, so machts nichts... and I'll check the spam folder, too...

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Nikita Petrov

Thank you for sharing the work of these 2 gifted creators. I like that term better, because it seems like a more expansive term than artist that can encompass a broad range of activities. I never understood how capitalism derives a particular value for a given creation, and many wildly successful creators never became "successful" until after their death. I think we all have the potential to be creative in different ways, and we can always find ways to express that creativity in any job if we have that mindset. But there are some people in whom the need to create is so strong they can't turn it off. Paradoxically, boring jobs might help them!


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wow. A perfect idea-we are always right and we are always wrong,we can't stand it so we pick sides.

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